(je viens juste de lire...)

Tuesday 28 December 2010


Christmas 2010: after many years hesitating, wondering whether it was worth it, whether i wouldn't miss the smell of the paper, that's it, i've done it.
Or should i say, Santa's done it: i have a Kindle.
I read all the time. Or rather, as soon as i have some free time. And quite often, 10 books later, i can't remember what i read, what it was like to live with and within this book, who i did or didn't identify with. Sometimes it's a good thing: if i remember that i liked a book but don't remember it, i can read it again. But sometimes i wish i could remember, i feel a bit silly, having lived in a book for a few hours, a few days, or even a few weeks, and having no real recollections of it.
So with my brand new kindle, here comes yet another blog. A little secret blog, just for me and what i have (just) read.

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